Annual Dinner Sponsorships
As you review the below sponsorship levels, if you are interested in partnering with LTTV by sponsoring our annual dinner please reach out to with your information and preferred sponsorship level.
Sponsorships for events such as our annual dinner are the foundation of our success. We couldn’t do it without you!
$500 – General Event Sponsor:
Sponsorship will include:
• Logo and recognition on LTTV event webpage and in social media (more than 2,800 followers) and E-blasts (4,000 subscribers) leading up to the event (minimum of 3 posts)*
• Inclusion on ‘Event Sponsor’ page for logo and recognition in evening program for each attendee (150+ expected guests)*
• Recognition during Executive Director’s presentation and remarks during the event
$1,000 – Table Sponsor:
Sponsorship of an 8-seat table at the Annual Dinner. Sponsor can fill table with respective employees and their families, or host Land Trust of the Treasure Valley complimentary guests.
• Table will be signed with sponsor’s logo
• Logo and recognition on LTTV event webpage and in social media (more than 2,800 followers) and E-blasts (4,000 subscribers) leading up to the event (minimum of 3 posts)*
• Recognition during Executive Director’s presentation and remarks during the event
• 1⁄4 page space for logo and recognition on evening program for each attendee (150+ expected guests)*
$1,500 – Raffle Sponsor:
Sponsorship will be associated with raffle items. Sponsorship will include:
• Logo and recognition on LTTV event webpage and in social media (more than 2,800 followers) and E-Blasts (4,000 subscribers) leading up to the event (minimum of 3 posts)*
• 1⁄4 page space for logo and recognition on evening program for each attendee (150+ expected guests)*
• Recognition during Executive Director’s presentation and remarks during the event
• Logo will be signed on raffle table during the social hour prior to dinner being served.
• Recognized by auctioneer prior to announcing raffle winners
$2,500 – Auction Sponsor:
Sponsorship will be associated with auction items. Sponsorship will include:
• Logo and recognition on LTTV event webpage and in social media (more than 2,800 followers) and E-Blasts (4,000 subscribers) leading up to the event (minimum of 3 posts)*
• Half-page space for logo and recognition on evening program for each attendee (150+ expected guests)*
• Recognition during Executive Director’s presentation and remarks during the event
• Logo will be signed on silent auction table during the social hour prior to dinner being served.
• Recognized by Auctioneer prior to conducting auction
• Auction Sponsors logo will be featured on balloons, given to live auction winners, viewed by entire dinner party during event.
$3,500 – Paddle Sponsor:
Sponsor logo will be placed on back of attendees’ paddles to be used in auctions, games, and ‘Raise the Paddle’. Opportunity to customize paddle will be accommodated, including use of paddle as a coupon
• Logo and recognition on LTTV event webpage and in social media (more than 2,800 followers) and E-Blasts (4,000 subscribers) leading up to the event (minimum of 3 posts)*
• Half-page space for logo and recognition on evening program for each attendee (150+ expected guests)*
• Recognition during Executive Director’s presentation and remarks during the event
$5,000 – Title Sponsor:
Sponsor will be recognized as the primary sponsor for the event. Logo will be enlarged and prioritized in location across all media below.
• Logo and recognition on ticket sales webpage and in social media (more than 2,800 followers) and E-Blasts (4,000 subscribers) leading up to the event (minimum of 3 posts)*
• Recognition during Executive Director’s presentation and remarks during the event
• Full-page space designed by sponsor on back page of event program for each attendee (150+ expected guests)*
• Title sponsor banner at placed at event
• Receive full table (8 guests) with recognition
*Sponsorships associated with social media, E-Blasts, and inclusion in the program must be received by September 1st, 2024.
After September 1st, LTTV will work with any prospective sponsors to develop unique beneficial returns on their support outside of communications and the event program